onsdag den 19. november 2008

onsdag den 8. oktober 2008

Apple on fire

This apple project started as a small compositing project, but in the end.. Just see the result ;)

Link to video.

tirsdag den 22. juli 2008

Ingame Graphic For Fun

Some ingame graphic i made just for fun. And i a attempt to learn the Unreal 3 engien.

Campez Bullet

This clip was made in just a couple of hours for a friend from my gaming days.

He sent me the ingame footage in which I inserted the 3D composited bullet.
For now it is only a test, though I might do more work on it at a later time
with some other background footage.

German Mutant

Old Work


A speed project, just to test som compositing and a some PFlow.

Link to video.